Dec 11, 2009
dec 7th and hence,
CAT(the billi) was man ;) .. a guy came and sat beside me,i dont remember knowing him ever,said a hi..awww..i started thinking,winked at him..but the way he gestured was like he knew me...but man,i dont forget things so simply,especially sorry and sad about being rude and little selfish,if u really knew me,and if u ever read this one.i was reading the instructions for whole 15 minutes of time i got,i was reading it again and again,to get used to that knack of reading fast,but who understands that..the woman superviser passed me 10 times in those 15 mins making weird faces and the only time i caught with her stare..i clearly noticed that she meant to say..'are you mad' :).but trust me,it was worth it,carrying that speed into the comprehension was soothing.attempted 3 comprehensions, so satisfied.altogether verbal,my achilles hill,was nice.rearranging paragraphs and completing the paragraphs were things i always loved and that was all i got.2 rearrangements and 2 completions.9 q's from comprehension.1 grammatical correction.1 word usage.1 vocabulary.1 17 in verbal.thats good and from cat point of view,weird..isnt it!!
in quants,i had hiccups.why so?because i had no idea that questions were going to be easy and no belief either,but they were.i kept on thinking..whats fishy man!didnt look at the options wherever possible,and solved the q's till the ate time but i was relieved and confident.did 15.hopefully,all correct.
in DI ,which i attempted in the last,certainly i had to run short of time,as a rule.missed q no's 59 and 60,which on a mere look,looked quite easy,data sufficiency ones.awwwwww.anyways,it was okay too.solved 3 caselets,pure 16 attempts.dont know,if silly mistakes have been made yet again,but i tried my best not to.
YES,I am expecting was good.and as of my self-analysis of cat, 'sanguine' is the word.
Nov 25, 2009
tweets,nov 25.
amitabh bachchan is so much over-rated..i can see the mysteries of his life in his eyes..abundant shahrukh,i see pride.
shahrukh khan carved his way up in a heroic pattern..married his love...helps evry1 he loves..nthng fake abt him..bold and
amitabh bachchan is diplomatic.he is a guy who probably knew to use people..he knows to manifest resources..he acts fine..but a legend,no.
as a role model,anyday,i will pick shahrukh khan over amitabh an actor a man an indian too.
then,amitabh & shahrukh will stay forever..but what about many know me..100..or most 10000.y the fcku m i being a critic.
sorry amitabh.for now,i better shut up.
in a trapp,trip i can't grip..never thought i'd be the one who would slip...then i started to realize....i was living one big lie.
She fucking hates
she fucking hates
I tried too hard and she tore my feelings like I had none and ripped them away
She was queen for about an hour
after that shit got sour
she took all I ever had
no sign of guilt
no feeling of bad, no..
that’s my story, as you see
learned my lesson and so did she
now it’s over and i’m glad
’cause i’m a fool for all i’ve said.she fucking hates me.
Nov 21, 2009
what a change.and what a feeling of happiness,not because i loved her but because of the glitter that i see,flash of a thousand emeralds could sigh away and the beauty of all oceans could dwarf..
Nov 20, 2009
projected profit ratio :
weakest market 1
---------------- = --------
strongest market 2000
p.s. i have developed a strange crush on sushmita sen.i will never not marry her because she is old or that she has a daughter.infact,this is the crush all about.
Nov 10, 2009
Economics Of Selecting Alternatives.
Firstly,The Present Worth Method :
This method evaluates the desirability of an alternative method relative to some base point in the present time(usually year 0).Basically,it looks at the present equivalent of all the cash flows of an alternative study period.
An alternative is profitable only if its present-worth(PW)>=0.When choosing from a set of alternatives,the most desirable alternative is the one which has the most positive PW.
To find PW as a function of i % (per interest period) of a series of cash inflows and outflows,it is necessary to discount future amounts to the present by using the interest rate over the appropriate study period(years,for ex) in the following manner :
PW(i%) = F0(1+i)^0 + F1(1+i)^-1 + F2(1+i)^-2 + .... + Fk(1+i)^-k + ... + Fn(1+i)^-n
= summation(i=0 to i=n) Fi(1+i)^-k
i = effective interest rate or MARR,per compounding period.
k=index for each compounding period.
Fk=future cash flows at the end of period k.
N=number of compounding periods over the total planning time.
to be contd...
haha,what do u say when u feel like hanging up on a call u dont want to be u later,right...
same way,this topic bores me and there is gonna be no furtherance on this .. :)
(nov 15th,09)
Nov 7, 2009
november,oh the sweet november.
rain, rain, rain heal my heart that is broken apart
rain, rain, rain up above from the skies
rain, rain, rain pour here and clean my soul
rain, rain, rain there will be rain here, there will be rain there
rain, rain, rain wash away my pain
rain, rain, rain wash away my debts to pay
rain, rain, rain so tired it feels wash away my guilt
rain, rain,rain i will do anything for you to cover my tears of shame..
Nov 4, 2009
(dream X plan) / laziness = success
the books i have been aroud with are listed below..
-6 sigma by William Truscott
-virtually stat free six sigma by Praveen Gupta and Arvin Sri
-how to turn advertising expenses into investments by john philip jones
-making breakthrough innovation happen(how 11 indians pulled off the impossible) by porus munshi
-and,a novel to lend me a calm sleep in nights..the alchemy of desire by tarun j tejpal.
these apart,its been so long since played some sports,day goes by thinking,planning,working,surfing,reading,eating and sleeping.sometimes i feel strange about being so different from me.
anyways,here is something,simple but consequential and factorial :
(dream X plan) / laziness = failure but later,when pointed by a friend,i found a blunder in that.if laziness would increase,failure would decrease which is so wrong.
hence,the correction
(dream X plan) / laziness = success.
success would increase if laziness would decrease and vice-versa.
Oct 22, 2009
Oct 13, 2009
thats about what i am upto,discovery,i have been little late in discovering myself but still i am happy that i did,in just right time.
deepawali awaits us all in less than a week...wishing everyone a very happy diwali and a life full of rock and roll . :).
Oct 2, 2009
night of aug 30.
i called the girl who matches me the best way and leaves the least space for any breeze to enter if we are together.she is too modern,always available and excessively rich.the three perfect ingredients for a casual relationship.later,i fell asleep and thought that she had slept too.then,around 4 in morning she woke me up and asked me to light the fag with the heat of her bosom.i remember her saying,"wake up,light the fag,dont worry about the heat,there is lot underneath here-its burning inside..let smoke not slip out of your lips..the world is smoked out already"..wowww-even plato or kant hadn't said what you just did.the way she moved her lips and blinked her eyes,the browns of her hairs sparkling like a dim moon and the blacks making them look dim.
i was admiring her,noticing every move,capturing every bit of it.i knew,sooner or later it will become a memory too.she wanted me to say the truth always and i always did,that i dont love you..i carelessly uttered,"no crime has been charged,why do i still feel sentenced to death ?"..then i looked at her while she slowly moved very close towards me,making me think that she wants an another trip,kissed me flirtatiously and picked the pack of cigarette lying on the other corner of bed,lighted two,gave me one.held hers in her left hand,came back to me,moving her lips all around,still smelling like cloves,stopped at my ears,and said," the way you leave your teeth marks behind,farmers could forget how to hack their could anyone settle with a brute like you..just that i did."
I didnt know if that was a compliment or a gesture to seduce,but whatever it was,i felt those moments.the feeling was very similar to the feeling of hope on a plateau of death.she had taught me the very code of existence.the best way to live is to live.
Sep 29, 2009
Sep 23, 2009
Sep 9, 2009
lay me doon,in the caul caul groon..
Sep 1, 2009
Aug 23, 2009
Relaxed and Happy :)
Aug 15, 2009
El Dorado
Aug 10, 2009
my diary.
Aug 9, 2009
Jul 23, 2009
in lieu of the black swan.
Jul 17, 2009
Jul 10, 2009
comeon,let it go !
i will be right here
whatever it takes
or how my heart breaks
i will be right here
Jun 24, 2009
all of 22
May 24, 2009
chelsea,csk and cute.
May 18, 2009
election '09 : to,by and for the people,wow !
May 1, 2009
@ me.
Apr 12, 2009
chennai is a mindscape.
Apr 10, 2009
mainstream and the muslims.
One of the frequent opinions expressed in India is that ‘Muslims must join the mainstream’. It is seldom explained what ‘mainstream’ is though. Is it undiluted, constantly verifiable patriotism and blind loyalty to India? Hindus in their millions will not pass such a test or else we wouldn’t be having so much negative opinions expressed on India. Or is that one religion is mainstream and not others? If it were ‘common laws’ that will mean ‘mainstream’ , then how many sub sects of Hinduism will agree to join it? So defining what is ‘mainstream’ is riven with problems.
But there is one mainstream about which no one will have a quarrel. It is ‘education’. As a perennial mainstream it can bear everyone to safe and rational havens. When a dominant rule ends people associated with it, lose their privileges and do become alienated. Anglo-Indians are a case in proof. Muslims too have felt disowned and stranded. They decided the ‘system’ was against them and withdrew into ghettos. It is a measure of India’s success as a democracy that Muslims have now identified ‘education’ as a beneficial mainstream. There is growing evidence for those who will care to look.
Take Kashmir. You cannot but be struck by the facility with which even nominal graduates from there communicate while those from other states struggle. Kashmir’s educational institutions turn out numerous competent professionals. During the years of strife many Muslim parents sent their children to Bangalore, Pune and other cities so that their education was not impaired. It is another piece of sociology that their experiences in ‘India’ travelled back to Kashmir and convinced everyone where their best interests lay. Kerala of which a quarter are Muslims has the highest educational achievements in India. Again at least three of India’s knowledge companies --Wipro, Cipla and Wockhardt-- are led by highly educated Muslims. Not to mention of course, a certain gentleman named A P J Abdul Kalaam.
Confirming this trend is a captivating story in the Hindu on Aug 22,2003. Jyoti Punwani writing on ‘Changing face of Pune Schools’ reports on the work of P A Inamdar who has turned the Anglo Urdu High School in Pune into an assembly line of high achievers. This year’s high school topper is Wajeda Karigar --a child of the slums who had to wake up at 4.30am to get some undisturbed peace for her studies. She is the ‘fifth in an unbroken line of Board toppers from the same institution’, of whom four were girls, three of whom wear burquas. They also stood first among all girls in Maharashtra.
How does Inamdar do it? He urges Muslims to shed their persecution complex. He points out that in India one can overcome all odds as Ambedkar did to vault prejudice, persecution and poverty. He then goes about picking the promising ones and adds them to his Merit List, which then receives special coaching and encouragement. This might seem exlcusivist but remember he is trying to create success stories who will become role models. One of the success girls has persuaded her poor parents to turn down a marriage offer because she wants to graduate in medicine first.
Inamdar has convinced Muslims that this education mainstream is a fair and equal home for all those arrive at it. He has proof that it is one stream that will merge all Indians: “teachers from RSS-run schools have not only come whenever invited, but have also taught his students diligently.”
Apr 9, 2009
dear AS,
Mar 29, 2009
random thoughts and fav song.

Mar 23, 2009
MBA-up next.
shapes are made out of so many given conditions,even more limitations,but which good thing comes like a swift breeze or say a zephyr,obviously none.everything has to be a roller-coaster type,from the beginning to the middle and then the is is is stereotype.
hoping never to requiem for a lost dream.:).
Mar 17, 2009
this much...
I love you enough to fight for you,
compromise for you and sacrifice myself for you,if need be.
Enough to miss you incredibly when
we're apart,no matter what length of
time it's for and regardless of the distance.
Enough to believe in our relationship,
to stand by it through the worse
of times,to have faith in our
strength as a couple,and to never
give up on us.
Enough to spend the rest of my life
with you,be there for you when you
need or want me,and never,ever want to leave you or live without you.
I love you this much.
Mar 3, 2009
london,is good.:).
Feb 25, 2009
i wonder how i dreamt...
Saw the doom approaching,Knew that i was gone.
I thought of many years,I played-I learnt-I won.
Noticed a burning paper,and felt the touch of dawn.
Fantasies were changing,and so was my whole world.
Was weaving broken pieces,the story is forgone.
It turned to be a sunday,was standing on the shore.
the sea was looking too pretty,and the infinity within was known.
i have learned to make it work,whatever be the odds..
certainly times are changing,I will try to be on top.... :) :)
Feb 22, 2009
Feb 20, 2009
its been a good time.
even though there were ample warnings that something was amiss,even long before the situation collapsed,i dont understand why the hell to decry and point at others.i see something approaching me and the best part is that it is travelling along the samy way on which lies my destination.i have started to believe in the philosophy of god and the game of destiny.good times follow bad ones and the bad ones follow the good and so times good follow the good and bad follow the bad,depends.
as of now,i am quite satisfied and very :).
Feb 10, 2009
a toast to the gem !
Jan 22, 2009
Jan 19, 2009
sth interesting and obvsly xtrmly innovative : I HAVE LEARNED..
Jan 14, 2009
makar sankranti !
after doing a further exploration on the subject i have known more than a little,may be as much as one should know,or as much as is available.sankranti means transmigration of sun from one rashi(in hindu mythology) to the other.this happens 12 times in an year.jan 14th is called makar sankranti and is of special importance because of transition of sun from dhanu rashi to the makar rashi,hence the name.the festival takes place around 21 days after the tropical winter solstice and marks the beginning of gradual increase in the duration of day.ths festival signifies the beginning of harvest season for the farmers of indian sub-continent.the day on which the sun begins its journey north wards is referred to as makar is indeed one of the most auspicios festivals of india and is celebrated across the country using various names.
so cheerss and celebrate it,reasons are enough.happy sankranti ! :)
Jan 9, 2009
india is writhing ..
Suddenly the talk is not of easy returns, unending high growth, or "India arrives". The chatter is increasingly of risk.
All these events have added to a sense of more risk in India.There is a squirrel attitude. The winter could be long and cold.
Satyam Computer Chairman Ramalinga Raju quit on Wednesday in India's biggest corporate scandal in memory, after revealing profits had been falsely inflated for years. It has been called India's "Enron", raising suspicion there could be other skeletons in the closet of India's corporate boom.It all came at the wrong moment for India, a combination of problems that punched a hole in the self-confidence -- some say cockiness -- of executives, politicians and middle-classes.
Only in 2007, India wallowed in success. Tata Steel made a $13 billion bid for Corus, the country's biggest foreign buy. A trillion-dollar economy grew at nearly 9 percent. India won its first major international cricket cup in 25 years.i am too bullish about India in the long term.
But these new insecurities may impact on the economy, where there are signs investors are reeling back from ambitious plans, to politics, where growing insecurity among voters could add to the unpredictability of general elections due by early May.
Take politics. The Congress-led coalition government is battling the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party. The insecurity bodes badly for Congress in its hopes to retain power.
But that insecurity could push voters to a "third front", smaller regional parties with charismatic but controversial leaders - like "Queen of Dalits" Mayawati - that send shivers down many investors.
Anyone in power in India has to be worried because Indians walk on very thin ice.There is no social security, job security. A third force may be able to take advantage of this insecurity.The decision of Tata Motors to pull out of West Bengal state in October after farmer protests against a factory for its low cost Nano, billed the world's cheapest car, also shocked India.
For all of India's optimism, it was a reminder that the country of sprouting shopping malls still must deal with the more than two-thirds of Indians who live on less than a dollar a day.
real nuts..
Jan 3, 2009
new year begins ..
now,on jan 1st i was in chennai.i was at adyar.