Aug 23, 2009

Relaxed and Happy :)

AIMCAT 1014                                                                    PAPER CODE : 111

No of questions : 70 (20+30+20)

SECTION 1(quants)        SECTION 2(verbal)         SECTION 3(DI)
no of q's :20                      no of q's : 30                       no of q's : 20
attempted = 15                attempted = 22                  attempted = 14
correct = 12                      correct = 19                        correct = 12
marks = 12*4-3=45        marks = 19*4-3=73          marks = 12*4-2=46
max marks = 80              max marks = 120              max marks = 80

total marks = 45+73+46=164
max marks = 280

i just love preparing these reports,but only when its a matter of fact,i always struggled performing in these mock cats.its relieving and certainly quite a booster in view of the cat coming soon.basically,i feel good :)