Sep 16, 2008

terrible terrible day

its strange to feel lonely when you get used to it.i miss everyone today as i delve down to search for those whom i might have forgotten.a faint impression of their faces makes me eventful day is somewhat abnormal for an always preoccupied person.while climbing the stairs to the top floor just for the sake of being alone after ignoring the elevator because of so many known faces who uselessly keep asking how are you every day while passing by.may be today i want to be originally myself,far from pretending and trying to make others feel most lovely mom must be feeling deserted,she and the youngest of our family are the only in house.just today,one of us has already left for london to beckon the zenith up against.being how she is taks guts,out of league,dynamic and sensational.a leader in the making.and an immense strength to keep herself motivated at becoming the prime minister knowing the giant nature of her dream.inspirational.i feel deserted too,though am already miles away.having never been to the most expensive city in the world,called london,i dont know why i feel it was waiting for this lovely gift of god to reach there.i am so sure about the way she is going to make the city her own till she would want to.supposed to come back in an year makes me miss her like never looks more like a miss day,i think of others and i get sad on knowing everyone who is mine or who was is so far away,some in distance of miles and some separated by circumstances.loneliness has actually been an insignia of my character,from a boardibng school at an age of 9 till today this has been one of the things which makes me strong and at times miserably is a kind of tune perhaps which goes on and varies the way we want it to,like a guitar or a are melancholy as well as magical.actually life is everything till it is lovely.and today it is not,atleast not for me.not to mention,of all today,most shocking has been knowing about the global stock markets declining like a collapsing skyscraoer.the crisis in lehman brothers had to have an impact,i knew it perhaps a week back from the news as they were coming but this was unexpected.anyways am just noy in the mood of talking economics but surely the international arena is working on will pass by and people would forget it.thats how it is.thats how ypu gamble.thats how it feels when you are unable to predict.stay blessed.